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The Queen has reigned for 67 years. Communism has risen and fallen. The Beatles have come and gone, Britain is 5th most economically powerful nation. Women CEOs drive 3x the returns as S&P 500 firms run by men. Why is workplace inequality still a subject?

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Despite the Doomsday Clock hand remaining at two minutes to midnight in 2019, the imminent threats to humanity and planet continue as we enter a period of ‘new abnormal’. Three of the top five risks by likelihood (and four by impact) are environmental.

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The story behind the wall on which Banksy painted the Brexit-inspired mural in Dover is almost as farcical as the bungled politics that got Britain to where it is today. Plus ça change?

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Funded by stressed-out city-living executives and the youth-seeking Silver Tsunami, the wellness economy is converging with the global health care industry. At a rate of 6.4%, the $4.2 trillion wellness industry is growing faster than the global economy.

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“Go you to France or Flanders, To any German province, Spain or Portugal, anywhere that not adheres to England” – Sir Thomas More. Today, there are 68.5m displaced people because conflict, disaster or oppression yet the xenophobic rhetoric continues.

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